Coming to the end of this letter to the church in Thessalonica, Paul gave practical advice and encouragement to them.
There are two short groupings here that I believe are very important for us to get a hold of. 
Rejoice, pray, give thanks being one. The other, no less important, is, don’t quench the spirit, don’t despise prophecy, and hold fast to what is good.

Coming to the end of the letter that Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica, we will focus on the things he now instructs them in. It has been a great journey so far, and coming off of the awesome assurance of Christ’s return, Paul turns to practical day to day things. He ends with the encouraging words of what the church is supposed to do as a community of believers, now that they know what they know.

This weekend we are continuing on in the Thessalonian letter. The return of our King is our hope and joy, and how we live that joy out each day actually shines the light of Jesus into our wider community.

We come to a passage of scripture in our studies of 1 Thessalonians that is the hope of the Church. The day when Jesus comes back and rules and reigns as King of Kings. It is a passage that brings encouragement and excitement for all who are waiting for Jesus to return. 
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday so that we can look at this together and celebrate. Remember, friends, that no matter what may be happening in our world today, Jesus our King still sits on His throne, and He is coming back to take His own to Himself. 

This week we are looking at a short, but powerful set of verses. Paul is quite clear in his joy with these people in Thessalonica. Encouraged by the good reputation they had established, he gives three clear instructions. All of which will benefit us here in 2024.
Love one another, live quiet lives and walk rightly. Very simple commands, an incredible impact on our lives as we try to be faithful where God has set us down. 
See you Sunday, and try to stay cool.

This Sunday is Father’s Day and we are going to look at Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. While we don’t know a great deal about him, we do know that he had the courage to stay, to be faithful and to raise Jesus in a way that honored God. In doing so, he provided in a very quiet and uncelebrated way, safety, stability and security for his wife and his kids. I hope you can join us as we look to celebrate dads.

As we begin our study this week in chapter four of Paul’s letter, we are going to be touching on the issue of sexual immorality. Specifically what that is by Biblical standards, the damage it causes in people’s lives, and how we are to live in light of God’s commands against such things as followers of Jesus. My prayer is that we will find clarity and not confusion, compassion and not condemnation, and an understanding of God’s unchanging standards in an ever changing world. Please be mindful of any young person/child who will be staying in the service as this message covers things that you may want to hear first, and then disseminate for yourselves as a family. We offer a nursery as well as a kids program which runs during our main services, and these may be a beneficial choice for those of that age group. 

This Sunday we begin our look at Paul and his concerns for a church he cannot visit for whatever reason. Timothy, his son in the faith, is sent to see how they are holding up under the pressures of being new Christians in a culture that dislikes them and their new way of living. As he is encouraged by what Timothy brings back for a report, Paul begins the discipleing of this church, and as we will see in chapter four, it sets the stage for some tough, yet clear teaching.

This Sunday being Memorial Day weekend, we want to take a moment to think about and be thankful for all those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Let’s reflect on the beautiful privileges we have and the country we live in, and thank God that there are those who have been called to the task of defending those freedoms. Our salvation, while free to us, came at great cost to our Father in heaven. May we never forget either of these truths. 
As we gather, we will look at a short passage in Paul’s letter, revealing his heart. Simply put, he misses his friends in Thessalonica. We will be reminded as well that the devil is always at work, but that Jesus has won the ultimate victory for us -life everlasting. 

This Sunday, along with celebrating communion, we will be looking at the “consequences” of following Jesus that have come upon the Thessalonian Church. Paul, as a father to his children, exhorts, encourages and charges them to continue in their faithfulness. They are one of the first to understand the cost and are now being rejected by their own people, just as the Jewish believers in Jerusalem. It seems that the old enemy is working behind the scenes and through non-believers to try and stop the advancement of the Gospel. This sharing with others is the gift that God has given to us In Christ. It is a joy-filled and solemn encouragement from Paul.